NAME - Tellme specific schema filters


In verdad.conf, say "schema-check ="


itemLint checks for things we know should be true for Tellme's items.

itemExpand adds tags which should be computed based on the other tags in the item.

hasPerms checks permissions using the following philosophy:

Some examples of verdad-group and verdad-acl in action:

    # create a couple of groups
    item verdad-acl-groups
      dc-ops = (desl alain jadams doug martins krysta)
      infeng = (bryan tjs djs karl mary natefair hpaul)
      netops = (@security @infeng @noc @dc-ops)
      noc = (marty dkubasak schrader courtenay raymond isaac)
      security = hso
      verdad-group = true
    # This limits all '^verdad-acl-' items
    # by giving write access to the security group
    item verdad-acl-default
      acl-name = "~^verdad-acl-"
      acl-write = @security
      acl-type = verdad-item
      verdad-acl = true
    # this restricts all '^accessible-by' items
    # to the list above as well giving bryan and
    # tjs write access
    item verdad-acl-accessible-by
      acl-name = "~^accessible-by"
      acl-write += (bryan tjs)
      acl-type = verdad-item
      is = verdad-acl-default
    # this limits the verdad-acl tag to be
    # accessible by those inherited from
    # verdad-acl-default
    item verdad-acl-tags
      acl-name = (verdad-acl verdad-group)
      acl-type = verdad-tag
      is = verdad-acl-default
    # this limits the users and admin-users
    # tags like above, but gives dc-ops
    # the ability to initially add these
    # tags to items
    item verdad-acl-user-tags
      acl-add = @dc-ops
      acl-name = (users admin-users)
      acl-type = verdad-tag
      is = verdad-acl-default


See's documentation for more info on the $itemRef structure. Also, see


Jeff R. Allen <>